18th October 2022
We did our presentation on the 4 topics that we were interested in. We had a 8 minute timeframe where we had to summarize everything that looked on.
From the pieces of research that I have compiled, I will have to condense all of it so that it would fit within the 8 min time frame. This meant also that I will have to reorganize the pieces of research so the flow will be better. For each topic, I created a context slide covering what I will go through.

First up was Food in Culture. I've decided to condense my research into these categories so that I could cover most of my research into these smaller topics.

All slides are all in note format so that it wasn't bombarded with text/ I could explain some of the points when talking. Before going into culture, I looked at the evolution of food to see how it effects what we eat today.
Some diagrams explaining certain topics. For this instance, it shown what types of food we started to eat, and how it effects our brain size.

Added a definition of culture before going into Food Culture
Finally some examples of Food Culture in different regions of the world. Other than Asian, I also covered European, and Religious Food Cultures.

Moving on to the next topic, Food. Similarly, I tried to cover as much as I could without spending too much time on one.

Providing a definition of the topic again before going into the deetails

Giving different examples of how we got different languages. One was from the Bible: Tower of Babel. The other is warfare, environment, and migration.

Brief History of how we got the English alphabet. Also went through some theories that homo sapiens had some sort of language 2 million years ago.
Ended this topic off with the future of Language. What will happen to our current languages/ whether we will create a new one or get rid of some.

Martial Arts. There was not much to look into with Martial Arts itself apart from the different types, the origin, and why we do it.

Just like Food, I provided a slide which quickly looks on the origin of martial arts. One point on who created the idea, the other on the first martial arts (according to what I searched on)

Reason why Martial Arts was created, how we got different stances and moves

Last 2 slides covering on the Pros and Cons of Martial Arts

Finally, but not least, Animals/ Creatures. I realized that I should do more research on supernatural creatures, since a majority on this part talks about the animals we see today.

Talking about the mating breeding process of Animals, and what types are there. Just like the topics before, Included another slide talking about the history and the evolution of animals.

Diagram on the evolution of animals. How we all came from microbes and then evolved into another species.

Slide talking about the common behaviour of animals. Also included other slides about how animals got their names and whether or not we can live without animals.

Last slide covering on creatures we haven't seen before/ undiscovered. Looking into life outside of earth and linking it to NASA's mission. Requiring heavy luck in finding life in space.
Click here for Download of Presentation
(For the whole presentation)
Whilst going through the presentations, we provided feedback each of the 4 topics, using nodenogg.in. In this, we types down what we likes about the topic, as well as what we could look into more for refinement. At the end, we then added an emoji to what we liked the most. This would then help others to what they look into more for the 2nd phase. The more emojis a topic has, the more interesting it would be to look into.

Here is the feedback that I have gotten from others. Each colour is a different topic: Red = Food Culture, Orange = Languages, Yellow = Martial Arts, Green = Animals

These are the feedbacks that I got. Both languages and Food in Culture has the most votes with 2.
Then, we went through a workshop which helps us to dig more into a specific topic that we have chose.
Conclusion of Phase 1
Before going into the next subject, we have to choose a topic that we are most interested in, and this will go into the 2nd Phase.
After some thoughts and chats with other people, I have decided to go with Food in Culture. But, I have noticed that this topic is quite broad in terms of what I need to cover. So I shortened it down to Food in Chinese Culture.
The reason that I have chosen this is because it is part of the culture that I am very familiar with (me being a Chinese person in a Chinese household). Also, it is easy for me to access information on these things; I have friends with parents who cooks in a Chinese takeaway, as well as my parents who can cook these said food. Therefore, I am quite well-versed on this topic, and also very interested in it.