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Deep Dive into Idea (In prep for Phase 2)

18th October 2022

This workshop will help us to get a feel of what we should look for in our research. Phase 1 research was to have just enough so that we could cover the topics in the presentation, whilst Phase 2 research will include a deeper dive into 1 specific topic that we have chosen, as well as adding extra pieces of info to what we have already looked into.

Topic: Ocean

Getting into groups, we all had to choose a topic (any topic), ideally a topic that we covered for our presentations. We all chose one of Logan's Topic "Ocean" since it is something that we are interested in, and for the sake of the exercise. 

There are different things we should look out for when researching for different topics:

  • Sounds

  • Technology

  • Facts

  • Historical

  • Structures

  • Journals

  • Colour

  • Films

  • Movement

  • Context

  • Language


Each teammate has picked a topic that they want to go for. I chose to look into Languages since it was one of the topics that I looked into, and I was interested to know about what sort of languages are common on sea.

Collecting Data

We decided to use so that we can share what we have looked into and to collate them together so that we can see them.

This is what we got:


Different categories are separated into different sections. Red = Language, Greyish Blue = Journal, Light Blue = Historical


Looking for languages was interesting since I first looked up what language do people on the sea use, which is Sea speak. However, out of curiosity, I wondered if Fish use a certain language - in which they do, but it consists of different sounds for different purposes. 

Thought this is only for workshop purposes, it gave me ideas in what I could look into. For other topics, it is much easier to find more information, like History. However, having other topics that we could potentially look into are helpful too to extend our research, like Journals about the sea.

I know that all info that we found are from the internet, so it is better if we look information elsewhere, like books, going to museums etc. These will help develop research more.

I will also remember to ask questions about certain things before looking into them, like what happened when looking up the languages for Fish. They will help form a foundation, as well as looking into things that I wouldn't have thought of in the first place.

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