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Phase 1:
Ideas Generation + Research


What Phase 1 includes:

  • Research skills

  • Case Studies

  • Brainstorm

  • Visual Research

  • Reading

  • Discussion

  • Visits

This first phase (from Week 1 -3) will show how I got the ideas through different workshops, then going into research into the chosen fields.


We first start off with the workshops, which help me with Brainstorming. Writing down words that we have an interest to, then forming them into ideas.

Workshop 1: About Myself

The first workshop that we have done is creating a a list of things that I think describes me. Forgetting about ideas for the time being, we each wrote down words that best fit in each category, which helped us think more about ourselves. These are what I wrote down:  â€‹â€‹


Heart (What I love):

  • Games

  • Food (Especially Rice)

  • Music (EDM, KPop) 

  • Talking/ Being with others

  • Desserts

  • Art (Mostly Drawing)

  • Having alone time

 Trophy (What I'm good at):

  • Drawing

  • Games (Especially Rhythm Games)

  • Creating designs

  • Sleeping

  • Maths

  • Problem Solving

 Money (What others tell me to do: â€‹

  • Get a Job (Don't be a Jobless Bum and do nothing)

  • Get Money in some way

  • Get Part-times/ Gain experience

  • Do volunteering

  • Own a takeaway and become a chef

 Earth (Value I provide for the world):

  • Offer my own opinions/ honesty

  • Having good relationships with friends and family

  • Patience

  • Being there for someone in need

  • Helping Hand/ Assists


Whether we liked it or not, we can then choose the idea of our liking/ what we want to look into. It was said that we choose one that will bore us, then you will not have the passion to create the game, meaning that the whole process will be jarring and the end product won't end up as you expect. So for the time being, I kept these ideas into one side when I do the other workshops.

Workshop 2: "What makes you...?"


The next workshop is similar to the one before, except the list was created in a group and the questions are different. Having other people write their own words to each group helps me out in becoming inspired with a few ideas.

What makes you...

Cry? :

  • Not living up to my expectations

  • Money

  • Existentialism

  • Potentially failing in life/ goals

  • Unworthiness

  • Neuro-discovery making socialising hard

  • When someone I love is crying a lot

  • Losing a loved one

  • Some films/ TV shows/ cartoons

Laugh? :

  • Innuendos

  • Dark Humour

  • Dad Jokes

  • Memes

  • Surreal Humour

  • People Laughing

  • Gen Z

  • People getting hurt

  • People's remarks

  • Someone doing something stupid

Excited? :

  • Going to new/ exciting  places

  • Getting home

  • New Music

  • Specific Anime/ shows getting new seasons

  • Games in general

  • Food

  • Money

  • Announcement Trailers

  • Getting something that I've been wanting to get in a long time

  • Holidays

  • Finishing projects/ exams

Angry? :

  • Lies

  • Ad interrupts

  • Royal Family

  • Current Politics

  • Discrimination

  • Andrew Tate

  • Stupid People

  • Microtransactions

  • S**t Teammates

  • Injustice

  • Misrepresentation

  • Misunderstand

  • Bad Games/ Current game on Phones

  • Games

Intellectually Stimulated? :

  • Smart people sharing wisdom

  • Science

  • Philosophy

  • Game balance debates

  • Other peoples way of thinking

  • Game assessments/ Reviews

Interested? :

  • Space/ Cosmos

  • Being Intellectually stimulated

  • Lore in entertainment media

  • Discussing flaws of a game's design

  • Character Designs - Whole Process and Final Product

  • New genre of games

Personally, there are more words that I wanted to fit within each category but because of the lack of space on the paper, I have added more words to the list (highlighted in blue)

After completing the workshop, we had a look at what others have written down for each of the questions. From this, we had a look at words, most we did not think of, that inspire/ interest us for more ideas.

What my other classmates have written down:


Other ideas that my classmates have written down

Producing Ideas

With the brainstorm completed, I can now focus on 4 ideas that I am interested in. The 4 topics that I have chosen are: Food, Languages, Fighting, and Animals/ Creatures (All apart from Food were not from the workshop since it was only then I thought about these topics). With these, we produce questions for them, which give us things to research about.   


Reasons for choosing topics:

  • Food: I like food, but I was suddenly curious about how different types of food were made and what makes them so different from each other. It's not just about eating food anymore but how we get these sorts of food.

  • Languages: Similarly to food, we have a diverse range of languages around the world now, and some have different dialects from each other. It made me also wonder how people communicated in ancient times, and what sort of letter or symbols did they use. Or whether or not we will use the same language in the far future.

  • Fighting: For myself, I like playing fighting games, but can't help and notice that there are different types of stances and moves for martial arts and other styles of combat. This will be focussing on Hand-to-Hand, rather than the regular type of fighting. Since I like things that involve moving my body around and having strategy, this topic interests me.

  • Animals/ Creatures: There are so many different types of species around the world, even some which may not have been discovered yet. I also have a keen interest in animals (especially tarantulas, domestic animals)

Questions that I made up for each topic:

Food in Culture:

  • How did we get different types of food?

    • How does food become more diverse?

  • What was the first ever cooked food?​

  • What ingredients do they use? Is it limited to their own land or is it international?

  • What makes each food iconic in their own way?

  • Are there any restrictions when it comes to cooking the food? (i.e. no beef)

  • How did food evolve?

  • How do you make them?


  • What was the first language? (Origin)

  • How did we get different languages

    • What was the evolution of languages like?​

  • How did we get certain characters/ letter to form words? ​

  • How did we start talking?​​

    • How did we make up different sounds for each individual letter/ character/ words?​

    • Could it somehow link to the surrounding environment?​​

Fighting (Hand-to-Hand Combat):

  • What are the different forms of fighting​

    • Stances​

  • Why are there different forms of fighting? What makes them different from each other?​

  • The pros/cons of these forms of fighting

  • How did they get their names?

  • Why do people learn a certain technique to fighting? Self-Defence/ Fun?

Animals/ Creatures:

  • Evolution (What is it?, How does it work?, )​

  • Are there any animals/creatures that we don't know it exists?

  • How did we get names for animals?

  • What are their common behaviours/ actions?

  • Mating/Breeding (How does it work, What do they do,...)

  • Why does animals exist? What does it look like to live without them? Can we live without them?

Course of Action

I will now produce in-depth research for these topics. I have created links towards the research. Towards the end of the phase, we produced a presentation for these ideas, so that the peers can give feedback, as well as advice on what ideas we should focus on out of the 4 and adding what we could research on next. 

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